There are an awful lot of big words in that read. I'm gonna have to go through it a few times. Interesting I'm confused on ont thing worth mentioning:

If BG dont make LMB bigger, what are the LMB eating without bluegill in enough quantity?

When you re-read you will notice I didn't say that "BG don't make LMB bigger". I said ''with BG there are fewer LMB where some attain much larger ultimate weight". The distinction is this. Having larger LMB doesn't make the standing weight or the carrying capacity of LMB larger. The thing to keep in mind is that most of the biomass of BG are too big for most LMB to eat. The sheer horde of them eat every other thing the LMB might otherwise eat. What the BG do is provide as much food as the LMB would otherwise get without them with one major difference. The food is mostly in the form of fish rather than a combination of fish and invertebrates (where fish are higher quality feed). BG are so competitive with YOY LMB that they reduce LMB recruitment. Reduced LMB recruitment and more fish in the diet of LMB allow LMB attain greater individual sizes when BG are present but it doesn't substantially increase the carrying capacity nor standing weights of LMB.