There is a forum member from some time back named Gar King. I think he goes by fish whisperer on Youtube. He has videos of pet bass in a pond where he would hold out a piece of fish or a chicken nugget for the bass to eat then he would catch the bass by the lip with his hand and pull it out of the water. Then put it back. He could do this with multiple fish.

Hand catching fish by getting them used to eating out of your hand.

A couple years back I had an excess of 2-3" HBG in a pond I was trying to thin out. I would catch them in a minnow trap and around noon each day take the catch out on my dock in the main pond. After cutting the tail off the fish to slow it down to make sure it got eaten, I would toss it out for the bass to eat. After about a week I had a cadre of not only LMB but also CC waiting for me to toss in the free live fish. I think if I had done it long enough and started to feed them by hand I could have done the same thing.

The fish become conditioned to being fed. One thing that is said on this forum is to be consistent in feeding time. That is probably good advice but i have found it is not the time that is so important about consistancy. It is anything the fish can cue in on to know when it is feed time. In my case it is the thump, thump sound of my UTV that is the dinner bell. Drive it around the pond and I can see fish wakes coming at it from both directions. When I was feeding live fish described in the above paragraph it was the sound of my footsteps on the dock. I will sometimes have bass follow me around the pond on the UTV because as its shaddow scares out small BG from the bank the bass will hammer them. The bass associates good hunting with the UTV.

Fish know a lot more about what is going on above water than we might imagine. They are very aware about the shoreline activity. At least the smart ones. The dumb ones are probably in the belly of a blue heron.