Electro survey today turned up a few things I knew, but also stuff I didn't.

HSB are doing great, some over 5 lb. RES, BG, CNBG also doing well in all sizes, up to past 10 inches. Didn't see any rainbow trout or threadfin shad, but they may be too deep now that water has gotten really warm.

Shocking part was just how destructive the heron has been. Probably ten percent plus of bass were injured by the Beak of Death. I'm gonna have to insist the bird finds another home.

Largemouth were somewhat underweight, especially those less than 15 inches. This surprised me, given how well their forage is doing. But my fertilization efforts, while successful in getting a good bloom, also encouraged weed & algae growth. Apparently it has become so thick in some spots that bass have a hard time reaching the BG, so are undernourished despite strong BG populations. Guess I'll need to treat some spots. Most of my plants are American Pondweed, a plus when not too thick. Maybe I should add grass carp as well.

Considering how hard I worked to get pond weeds in the first place, this is ironic. There's no denying that a pond is balanced only temporarily as it swings between one imbalance and another!