At my neighborhood pond, the water clarity is great, so I can get a real good look at what fish are around and hitting feed.

I have one very large HSB (maybe over 6 lbs) that leads a pack of a 100+ bluegill while waiting for feed. I hand toss the 1" Optimal Hand Throw pellets to the HSB, and he/she slams them. I might be able to have it take one from my hand, but also would risk taking a swim as the slope of the pond is steep and slippery.

I've also seen both blue and channel catfish feeding. I haven't seen any LMB hitting feed in the last week or so, but they may be in spawn.

I did see what I thought was a Yellow Perch hitting feed two days ago, but I couldn't be sure as it was hitting the feed pretty quick. I saw it again yesterday, and it's definitely a YP. For this pond, while there's been YP in there for many years, I've seldom seen many of the YP taking feed. It's rare to see them and rare to catch them.