I don't know where to put this, but since I am asking for help, this fits the bill. Please send prayers up for Todd Overton.

If ya'll haven't heard, Todd Overton of Overton Fisheries https://overtonfisheries.com/ is battling Stage 4 Colon Cancer. If anybody has dealt with any type of cancer, ya'll know what stage 4 means. For the past 3 years, Todd has been bravely battling stage 4 colorectal cancer, which has now spread to his liver and lungs. Despite his unwavering courage and determination, he faces an uphill battle, especially as his insurance company refuses to cover crucial treatments that could save his life.

Here's a few links to some people that are trying to help Todd:

Brandon Overton: https://www.facebook.com/brandon.overton.3133 Donating two guided fishing trips to people that donate to Todd's gogfndme page. Brandon's phone number is 940-255-7133 if you have any questions.

The GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-tod...um=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer

