Mixed emotions. I’ve gone from 30 to 80 in a heckuva hurry. Hasn’t been long since I was hauling around 2 feed bags; one on each shoulder. If anything hurt, it was because of my life long indiscretions due to poor judgement. Or maybe beer.

Then, about 2 or 3 years ago, I spent 25 days, flat on my back, in ICU due to a busted colon. Got home with no muscle tone and had to take it easy for 8 more LONG weeks. 2 days after I got home I had no memory of being in the hospital. Still don’t. Family told me that it wasn’t something that I would want to remember. When the Doc said that I was healed up, I started exercising, walking and then jogging, and lifting weights. Got it all back. And then arthritis set in. Hit me in the legs and back. I have to be careful and extra strength Tylenols is twice per day. I’m still walking a mile per day (most days).

My memory capability has taken a hit due to the hospitalization. Mostly short term. I have developed big time CRS. I now walk into my shop to do something or get a tool and have no idea why I went there. I ask my wife the same question several times per day. But, friends younger than me say they have the same problem. But, I can still do multiplication and division, to 2 decimal points, in my head.

Lucky to be here. Now, if I could just remember the steps to the rain dance.