Originally Posted by FishinRod
Originally Posted by Bobbss
I always pray for rain but now that we're building the new house I have conflicting feelings about rain. I guess I'm a winner either way now 🤷. Lol!

Optimist - My pond is half full.

Pessimist - My pond is half empty.

Congrats on the new house build! Are you dried in yet?

Another PB regular is also completing a new home now. I hope both of you are able to get everything completed in a timely fashion!
Thanks FishinRod, we are just starting, so the rain will slow them down. The foundation is in and they waterproofed and backfilled. A few days ago, they delivered the materials to start framing. Looks like everything they need to frame the walkout part of the lower level, the steel beams and supports, i-joist and subflooring for the main level. Also, some steel sheeting that I assume is to go over my vault room before they pour the concrete pad over it. I'm hoping that they will start framing this week.