Most of us who don’t live on our land can have these problems. I am almost off the grid, at the end of a dead end road, with a locked gate. Alan and Scott can tell you about it. Many years ago catching a poacher get me into a butt whipping contest with an armed man. I took his rifle along with his hunting license and turned both over to the Game Warden. Now way too old for that stupid stuff. Catching an armed man who is breaking the law is not on my list of priorities.

When we leave, we don’t lock the door to the house. Why have a window broken or a door torn up? I keep my 4 wheelers and tool chests in a locked shipping container with a shield over the lock. I remove my tractor keys.

The Game Warden, DEA and Sheriffs Department have used a high hill on my place to watch the roads for road hunters and drug deals. They know where I keep the keys to my gate. They always contact me in advance.I don’t live there but do value my privacy when I am. Since I haven’t heard from them recently, I can only assume that they haven’t been around.