Originally Posted by catscratch
I catch 1 or 2 a year like the bottom one in the pic. Biggest with this condition was a 6lb'r so it doesn't seem to be too debilitating. I have no knowledge of stocking in the last 30yrs unless some bucket stocking happened along the way.

Snipe, is it an indication of anything? Do new genetics need brought in or anything like that? Or is it just a thing that happens?
Our State scientists say it is naturally occurring in most populations.
I had one of our hatchery techs tell me they had a batch of smb in one year class that had several of these with scoliosis, but honestly, they cannot tie it to in-breeding. I'm told it's something that occurs during cellular growth while still in the egg.
I've been told-doesn't mean it's absolute-that it is not a genetic issue.