An old, long time in the business, fish hatchery owner always tells me that LMB in his experience will eat green sunfish before they will eat bluegill. He says it is a forage fish shape thing where the greens are more slender and easier for the bass to swallow than bgill of similar length. He has often strongly reduced green populations by stocking heavy with larger bass that can eat the most common size of green sunfish.

This old timer deals with green sinfish all the time since he raises green sunfish and sells a lot of them for University Optic research.

PS. TexasHart, will you please go back to your first post above and click on the paper&pencil button on the top left of your question? This will allow you to edit/change the message and the topic's title. Go up to the title and change perch to greensunfish. Perch is too confusing during word or topic searches when the topic here is about gsunfish. Thanks. BC

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