Well Cam you know more than me, I don't think I could ever train a LMB to be a pet, or a snake to eat a fish hanging off a string!

Every day I'm learning how much I really didn't know. Brim, BG, sunfish, perch all were the same to me.

I always just thought they didn't get big enough to fool with unless you got out on a lake in deep water. I used to know this retired guy that turned guide and one year I traded what he owed me for doing his taxes to go out on Lake Fork for big "bream". Man they were big. We were a mile from shore in every direction in a stump patch. But I'm to lazy for that, lol. My boat has been parked for 5 years. But now I see that it is at least possible to get nice sized bluegills and a few (to me nice) sized bass. No one is going to give me a prize for 2 or 3 pound bass but they will be fun to catch and really good to eat. And only a thirty second walk from my front porch. No boat ramps, no wakes that makes you feel you are out on the gulf while fishing. No people period I dont want! Anyway you know a lot more about feeding than I do. I'm tying anyway!

And your story of a 1,000 tiny kisses just confirmed I need to feed my baby's. Every evening where I feed more and more 1 inch or less BG's are coming up in 2 or 3 inches or water to eat sunken soft pellets that drift back to the bank. Now I even throw few right on the edge of the water for them. I didnt even know I had them. I can only sein very limited areas and never caught any that small. They were probably elsewhere in the brush and weeds.

How big were your baby's by the time you noticed them?

I wish I had the tenacity of GSF!