Okay I edited all my pics with Picasa and hopefully everyone can see them now. Let me know if you cannot.

GW, I did not treat the pond for duckweek. This late in the growing season, I am hoping it will die off on its own soon. My intentions on dredging the pond was to steepen the shorelines with the hopes of limiting the vegetation growth. The cattails were limiting the wave action and allowing the duckweek to cover the pond. I was afraid that one day the duckweed would cause a summerkill by by not allowing sunlight penetration. It should be interesting to see what grows back in the years to come. I was hesitant in the past to use herbicides on the pond because my parents' elk may sneek into the pond and drink the water. Now, they no longer have the elk and I will resort to herbicides to control the vegetation.

The pond is located in what was the pasture and now is a corn field. It has always received excessive amounts of nutrients. We have been treating it with bacteria to clean up the muck and nutrients and it seems to be doing an acceptable job. This is the first time in 18 years that the pond has been dredged so I guess I can live with that.

Now I just need to get some structure back into the pond now that all the cattails are gone. I went around yesterday and threw all the rocks back in that were dredged out. My back and arms are feeling it today.