Good morning, Greg.

I could put you in touch with a commercial yellow perch producer in South Dakota, if you can't find a closer supplier. There has been a pretty extensive attempt to develop intensive culture of market-size perch to supply the "Friday night fish fry" market in some northern states. So, I would expect there to be a pretty good network of fingerling producers and another for the adult producers. One of the producers lives about 15 miles from here.

What size of fish would you want? I suppose that the fingerling market for yellow perch probably is seasonal.

I also do not know how well they ship. I would guess that your best bet would be the smaller fish in plastic bags, but I have not handled such fish myself. Again, my contact would probably know.

So, I guess if you can't find a closer supplier, you could get back in touch with me. I could either talk to Brad (the producer), or I could give you his phone number. Also, he might know of a closer supplier.

Let me know your preference.


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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.