Sunil -- that is the point of the long-term sampling. We need to get a series of years with a sufficient range of temps to test that question. I suspect, as you undoubtedly do, that it will either be the answer or part of the answer.

As another new "tidbit," we started to assemble a table of larval bluegill abundances at different locations. These are all from information we could find in published reports or agency reports. This is very preliminary, but so far, it seems clear that we also get lower larval bluegill abundance the further north a water is located. So, it's not just number of spawns, but also total abundance at each peak that decreases as you go north. Again, many other factors could be at play here, but it sure points out the difference that geography can make in prey supply.

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.