For me it is doing something different, it's a hobby which includes other hobbies, it's a front room when I have people over, it's an intentional obligation that requires my attention, it is intended to allow me to feel a sense of accomplishment by setting out goals and objectives to work towards and it filled a need to be of some use to what was around me.
I mean raising all of those fish, frogs, toads and turtles plus trying to decide in a split second if that snake in poisonous, the feeling you get when you know you have been poached, or watching the heron eat your babies, I don't know that I fully anticipated those things, but I knew there would be a great deal of self reveal connected to the process. I also know that it is a rewarding endeavor as I am now planning another pond.

1/4 & 3/4 acre ponds. A thousand miles from no where and there is no place I want to be...
Dwight Yoakam