So imagine a steep 8 foot tall cliff with a tree on top. Then the hill goes up a little farther. at the 8 foot mark...there's a 80 foot tall 20" round dougless fir tree on the edge. At the bottom of the cliff at ground zero....Ive dug out my new 5 foot deep pond. At no point when I was digging....did I ever hit root from the tree. It looks to me like tree has shifted slightly..but I cant really be for sure or not. The question I have is.....A) Will this tree hold. Its use to being on a cliff...its just I took 5 feet away from it. B)Once the water fills it up....will that support it? C)Do roots of a tree sense that its slipping and dig in a little more?

Any info would help....

Last edited by face72; 09/10/07 11:01 AM.