My 2 cents worth given your goals.

Early fall 07
300 2in CNBG
75 4-5 in CNBG
100 3-5in RES
10 lbs FH
Feed what they have been eating until water temps drop to 55F (I assume small pellets) then stop feeding until early March 08 (water temps 50 and rising).

Early Spring 08
10 lbs of FH
Start feeding what they were eating and over time mix in GFC. By then they will be big enough to eat all sizes of GFC.

The large CNBG and RES should start to spawn in March-April 08 in your location and the small CNBG next summer. That will give you 3 full year classes of CNBG/RES plus FH by next summer when you can stock the LMB.

Summer 08
75 2-4in F-1 feed trained LMB
They will spawn spring 09

In the meantime read all you can here on water quality , carrying capacity and pond mgt. Good luck and let us know what happens.