reading all these posts about water levels, rainfall amounts, ice thickness etc was interesting as all of these subjects were on my mind of late. Our 6 to 7.5 foot deep, 2/3rd acre pond is in Central Wisconsin around the Adams area. The summer has been another low rainfall summer and our pond was be down about 3 feet so had but 4 foot depth at the deepest. We have had about 8 inches of rain past few weeks and now the pond is back to 5 foot depths...need some more rain.
This is the first year we stocked and started with blue gill (300) and fatheads (1000) and aerated now for about a year. Just recently the smell has vanished and the water is looking pretty good. Additionally we introduced some muck reduction pellets that have also helped. All and all the pond appears to be much better now. The blue gill are everywhere and minnows swim in schools of 20 or so. Naturally we wanted to get a few LMB in there but with the water levels and winter looming was nervous about 2 feet of ice and 2 feet of open water so somewhat encouraged by reading remarks posted and thank you for that. The nearby river seems to have a major affect on my water levels. The soil is sandy.

This week as we were traveling up to the pond I noted some ponds about 20 miles south of ours were overflowing their banks and expected ours to be similiar. Unfortunately that was not the case and our pond remains about 2 feet short. Saw a draught monitor chart on the local weather station and like Minnesota, Wisconsin has had copious rainfal in certain areas while other parts of the state are very dry, especially Northern areas. Sort of rambling here but wanted to let the prior posters know that all this information is both informative and somewhat soothing. We are in similiar boats.