Hello all! I am new to this site, and also very new to pond ownership. I want to say that this forum is an amazing source of information and greatly appreciated!

We recently moved to a property with a pond that is approx. 3/4 acre in size and about 10 feet dep at the deepest. I live in Ontario, Canada and can relate to those Minnesota winters!
The pond is irregular in shape and contained 1 LMB about 2 1/2 pounds, 1 SMB about 3 1/2 pounds, some rainbow Trout, Yellow Perch, Blue Gill, Rock Bass, Suckers, and 3 large Koi. The panfish were breeding succesfully and I added 200 LMB fingerlings about 1" long in June. I was almost certain that the Herron and Kingfishers had eaten them all, but alas, I have spotted some of the fingerlings that are now almost 3" long!

We are also in a serious drought this summer and I have been pumping well water into the pond, sometimes for 7 days straight to raise the level 4 to 5 inches. We are on an artesian well, and so far have an endless supply of cold water. It was scaring me to see the level drop so fast (couple of days to drop 4 inches)and I started to panic and turned on the pump.
The artesian well flows all year round and one part of the pond stays open where the 46 degree water flows in from an overflow. this overflow is not enough to keep up with the water loss this summer.It has to be pumped in at high volume to keep up. some rain would sure be nice.

This has been my dream to own a pond with fish and although I was a Bass fishing addict up until this year, i have not dared to throw a line into my own pond. Fish are friends, not food! LOL

Amazing how you can change almost overnight, but from what I have read on here, it happens to the best of us!

Sorry for the long winded post, I'll go back to reading now! LOL