Speaking of critters, we just had a grizzly attack here yesterday, 20 min from town, apparently a hunter was pre-scouting an area for the upcoming deer season and got between the mom and three cubs. I guess she beat him up pretty good, he managed to stab her a number of times with a hunting knife and walked over a mile to get out of the bush. He is in hospital with broken limbs, cuts, bite marks. Pretty tough guy I'd say. They apparently found the grizz dead, close to the attack area.
This in addition to a number of cougar sightings both in town and close by and always Grizzlies and blacks around means keep your head up in the bush.
It's always unfortunate when wildlife encounters end in human injury but it is still fairly uncommon considering how often we are in their habitat and how common they are around here. I for one still feel much safer in the bush than on any city street, humans are far more dangerous than animals.