Originally posted by dave in el dorado ca:
anybody who comes to visit, check yer clothes in the morning BEFORE you put them on. i actually do check, and i actually shook a scorpion out of my pants one day, and one time a full grown tarantula out of my boots in the garage. just three days ago it took me an hour to dig out all my tools along one wall of the garage to get to the rattler that had crawled in. between late june and early august, walking out and about alone at night is ill advised due to our resident cougars.
But did ya tell your old buddy JHAP, nooooo!

Last time up at my property I turned over a tarp and found a nice scorpion, 18 or 19 inches long at least, or perhaps it just seemed that large with my heightened state of cowardess. \:\)

We do have a resident fox that is a tough little fellow. Stands his ground with a lot of attitude. Bears and cougars have been spotted on my place but not any by me.

Nothing particularly exotic like Rad though.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)