I finally did it. Today I picked up 25 5-6+" rainbows and 100 3-4+"YP. I have 2 110 gallon tanks with the perch in one tank and the rainbows in the other. I have aeration running in rainbow tank only right now.

The Rainbows are NOT doing so good. Most of them are swimming near the surface and seem to be gasping for air. I have lost 1 so far and 2 more are not far behind. Assuming this is DO related I am heading up to Walmart to pick up another pump.

Note: Rainbows were "gasping" before I put them in the tank. I am wondering if the hour car ride was too long for them...

The YP seem to be doing great, although, I did have to put a strainer on the drain because they kept trying to swim into it and get stuck. They seem to be scared of everything right now and are hanging out at the bottom of the tank.