A pail might work but the worms like to go down, at least mine do. The peatmoss is light but after its soaked and the worms start to make there castings its tough to dig down in a pail. I have 2 bins I use, I made a wooden box about the size of a small draw, and a rubbermaid plastic one. You have to soak the peat good because it dont take water very well at first. the pound of worms will be good but ask if he has any specials. I got a pound and a half of the breeding size. It was good because I started using some right away. It takes a good 2 to 3 months before you prob could start using the worms regularly. ya call Bob he knows his worms. I didnt know nothing until he hooked me up its pretty easy once you know how. What I wrote is enough but he will really learn ya. He told me the first worms will wander a little because its new but the offspring wont because its the only thing they know, its home so to speak.
