Gosh, all...so sorry to be away for so long. My sweet, precious two year old grandson, Nolan, accidently knocked over his grandmother's glass of water onto my laptop. The keyboard...she no work no more. Computer fine, keyboard dead. Awaiting new keyboard. In the meantime, travels, consulting and no computer. Now on a borrowed machine, until repairs are complete.
Anyway, Greg electrofished Richmond Mill Lake. He did a great job, but the fish didn't cooperate very well. His boat worked very well, but this lake is probably too acidic to be efficiently electrofished. Greg collected a small sample of fish, and on the depth finder of the Morgan Company boat, we could easily see fish stacked up in the long creek channel, just beyond reach of 550 volts of electricity from Greg's boat.
Catch records prove that the fish population is thriving. So, we are now thinking of ways to efficiently collect samples of fish, other than exclusively using angling data or depending on electrofishing.
Will keep you posted.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...