RT, I guess I should have said that I haven't pulled the trigger in years. Also, ground shrinkage is never a problem for me. Over the years, I've turned into a lousy shot. Yeah, I know. I need to practice more. Don't tell my Grandson. He thinks I'm perfect.

My most memorable moment was when I killed a really big bull elk in Northern Arizona. It meant that I no longer had to climb mountains, sleep on the ground and freeze my tail off. It took 5 years.

GW, I like the idea of behavior modification and my wife has been trying it on me for years. It has had limited results but I find that it has not dulled her enthusiasm to get me house broken or even litter box trained. Sure glad that she hasn't tried to get me to eat mutton. Asparagus is bad enough.

I doubt that I would try taste aversion on coyotes. Why? I'm a predator and enjoy fighting alligators more than I do draining the swamp. Like LetsRodeo, I'm also "old World".

An interesting story: About 25 years ago, I used to hunt on a small ranch in Central Texas. He raised some of the meanest Brahma cows that I've ever run into. I found it best to avoid them. One morning, I found some fence down but saw no tracks on the other side of the fence. I quit hunting and headed to the house to get tools and materials to fix it. The old Rancher asked what I was going to do and I told him. He said "Aw heck Son, those cows won't get out". I asked why not? He said that if a cow got out, he took it to auction and got rid of it. When he saw my puzzled look, he explained that he was raising beef and had no interest in training cows. It seemed to work and I've never forgotten old John Martin. This follows the old stock market adage of selling at the point of sleeping. If something keeps you awake at night, get rid of it.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP