Well, I love animals about as much as anyone, so I guess I should put my .02 in. I believe as long as you THINK, and don't kill indiscriminately, then you will usually do the right thing. Before I so much as kill a bug or snake, I stop and think. It gets me out of the "automatic kill mode", and sometimes I reconsider.

The topic was coyotes, and it has moved a bit toward the general. 20 years ago, there were no coyotes in my area. They have expanded their range tremendously with the help of man. I guess they thrive on road kill, Sparkie, Fluffy, and occasional livestock. We have tipped the balance of nature, and the coyotes are coming in to restore it. Since it is us that brought the coyotes in, we're not changing the balance of nature by taking them out. We're just delaying it. I believe anyone in my area has a right to prosecute and persecute them should they be a threat. I think a high powered rifle is generally the most humane way to do it. Even if you miss, they are smart and get the message. I think traps and poison are inhumane, and should be used only as a last resort.