Bill haven't heard from her in years, probably about when you left. I did notice that a young boy had broken the "hogzilla" record with another bogous domestic pig this spring. Took 9 shots with a 50 caliber to bring that bacon down. At least they gave an honest weight of the thing. When I saw a picture of it, I didn't fall for it hook line and sinker, like I did when I read about Hogzilla in Progressive Farmer Magazine.

Kind of funny a fellow I was talking to yesterday told me he stocked his pond with bass and cat. Pretty soon he put hybrids in there. He said the hybrids ruined his pond, and he had all kinds of tiny sunfish in it. Of course, he wasn't much of a pondmeister and I'm sure he didn't take as good of care of it as many on this board would have.

I'm considering getting out of the pond business itself. It has been expensive, in the form of opportunity costs of other places I could have bought and sold for a profit. My place has cost me a fortune. The drought has not helped things, and it is depressing to watch your pond only go down. It was up to two acres and holdng and now is at one acre and dropping 1/4 inch a day. I am suppose to go get some F1 bass this am. If I ever get the pond to working, I think I'll sell lots off around it. All the dollars I've seen out has hardened me and now I want to see some dollars come in.

I think if I sell I'll go buy something on the Tennessee River somewhere in TN or Northern Alabama and forget about ponds.

Robinson, PI (Politically Incorrect, of Course)