Originally posted by Jeff F.:
George, I have caught many-o-stripers here in SC. We have several very large lakes that are stocked with Stripers and I grew up catching them with my father on everything from live & cut bait to artificials. I love stripers, but to put down LMB....that's pretty hard core.

I'm starting to really like this idea. 100% HSB - keep a log of my take from the hot months and restock each fall.

So where is the "mortality" line for HSB? Meaning, what is the water temp where say more than 10% of released fish will die?

What size Aquamax pellet are you guys feeding HSB?

I need to read these links Eric posted...perhaps some of my answers are in those links.
Jeff, I sure don’t want to offend any LMB fans out there, but I have fished too many ponds with stunted overcrowded LMB, and too many public reservoirs with hook shy fish – and that includes Lake Fork in Texas.

I like the challenge of catching fish – more so than managing ponds.
HSB will out fight a striped bass hands down.

I feed AQMX 600.

Check out the links Eric posted – interesting read... \:\)

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)