Originally posted by jeffhasapond:

If you recall from my tragic story the large Gam school divided into two schools. I have been forced to accept that the one school that so innocently tried to escape their fate by swimming into deeper water suffered untold casualties and perhaps perished in their entirety.

The second school that by some quirk of fate, or karmic event, or perhaps even divine intervention, swam into the shallows and managed to conceal themselves amongst the thick vegetation.
You may have actually done this little Gam Group a favor. Please allow me to explain:

By thrusting this poor, unsuspecting group into a dangerous situation, you forced them into making decisions, decisions that resulted in either life, or death. Those that survived became smarter, learning that cover was the place to be. Those that perished simply helped purify the gene pool by sacrificing themselves in order to allow the smarter gams to flee to safety. All is not in vain my friend, so instead of drowning your sorrow with that six pack of adult beverage, you should toast to the brave, selfless gams that threw themselves to the wolves to allow others to survive.
