Boy, I sure like that "C" plan.
I know that there are varying forum attitudes on the NRCS in Georgia, but maybe this is where alot of the answers lie. To me, as we are going to do, I'm letting it flood and if they die...they die. In fact, I expect that they will. My area, tho, is WAY smaller that 2 acres. You are now toying with creating a wetland, which is where you have to make a conscious decision if you plan on involving the NRCS. The downside is going higher profile with the guvmint; make very sure you know the stakes. The upside is that they should not only be able to help you with your vegetation questions, but creating a 2 ac wetland is what trips their trigger. You might be able to get funding to do it. BUT, you need to research and understand the ramifications of their involvement. I would check into it, doing my best to remain as anonymous and low on the radar as possible.