It snowed last night and all day here too, but not much seemed to stick on the ground. My first order of tree seedlings arrived Thursday afternoon, and since the ground wasn't frozen I planted today. Got 15 white ash trees planted before the dibble bar broke. (Aren't they supposed to be virtually indestructible?) Tried to borrow my neighbors but he wasn't home, so I welded up the broken one at my father-in-law's house. Got another 100 trees planted before it broke again, and had to heel in the rest of the trees including all my big red oaks \:\( An order of white & loblolly pine trees are going to be here in a couple days so I need a dibble. Going to borrow my neighbor's and see if I can get a new one too.

One interesting find today .. found a small 10 point non-typical antler shed in the field this morning.
