Originally posted by ewest:
Welcome Blaine to the PB Forum. If you have water coming in from a running creek into the frozen pond that water should be high in O2. Is that water running in under the ice or on top? If on top your snow should melt some and you would have some clear ice , if under the ice it should add O2 to the existing water.

The creek originates on my land from the tile feed. It runs approx. 75-100' before it goes into the pond over a 1.5' falls where the ice doesn't form in an approximate 3' circum. The water then runs under the ice for 650' to the spill way. The average width of the pond is 100'... 225' wide at the dam (long triangle).

2008, 2011 & 2012 conference attendee.
Striving to be the person that my dog already thinks I am.