I think letting my wife read your post might not have been a good idea as I found this note when I came home yesterday.
The trash bags didnt disappear,I used them to put your stuff in.
The cement blocks didnt disappear,I used them to wieght your stuff down.
Your powertools and wrenches didnt disappear,you
didnt have enough blocks.
You said you needed vertical structure in the pond so I thought it was time I helped you.The bags were triing to float so I wieghted them down.Hope you enjoy the new structure in the pond.I had lots of fun putting it in.Im sure I will enjoy the pond much more now that Ive actually helped with one of its projects.

P.S. If thats not enough strcture leave your truck home tommorrow.

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Some days you get the dog,and some days he gets you.Every dog has his day,and sometimes he has two!