I ask you. Is there any question that the forum is a far more sophisticated form of education and idea exchange than the lowly chat room? Just peruse the list of topics discussed in this single thread as evidence of forum superiority!

Topics List:

A pond building book naming contest, with results
Discussion about large Bluegill and their cousins
Trotline bait tips
Rapier like thrusting tips
Stepping in a big wet cow pie comparison
Household traps review
Big Head Sally’s aggressive tactics and problem resolution
Running bucket of chicken be chased, but not caught life lesson
Attention span discussion
A badger, mushroom and snake video
A discussion of famous rock bands and famous people as they relate to individuals life experiences
63 pound women commentary
Insanity and fear discussion
Examples of ineptitude and forgiveness
Thread ditching example
A brief biography of “Stumpy Jack Gallus”
Doobie passing and Mushroom tea sipping
Shopping with your wife tips.
A discussion of the relative merits of forum versus chat room environments

Extremely impressive!!!

Life is Good on Bremer Pond

Bremer Pond Weather