bigmac I can't answer your question but can provide you and others some things to think about.

From having been at 2 regional PB meetings I can tell you that you will be shocked at how fast the time runs out.

The talks will be outstanding and will increase the number of questions and things you want to ask about. You will want all the time you can get to walk around and visit with other PB members and speakers while the talks are not in session and ask all those questions in a small group situation.

You will want time to go by the booths and visit with the experts there as they also have a lot of good info and products.

You will want time to see at least part of the slide show and ask questions about the contents. \:D

You will want to listen to the discussions between the speakers and others as they talk in small groups while they are not presenting their topic.

From my perspective this is a rare opportunity to meet and learn from the best that exist and I want as much time as I can get with all of them any my PB family. Come as early as you can and stay as long as possible.