Bruce, my flyer arrived wrapped in a translucent green silk envelope, adorned with a lace bow. It came C.O.D.

It had a note on the exterior assuring me that it was the first flyer off the press, and more so that it had never, by any means, been touched by a human hand. It was also lightly scented with Yum Fish Attractant, crawfish flavor mind you.

When I opened the silken envelope, three hummingbirds sprang to life and flew from the green folds. One pooped on my shoulder.

As I peered further into green envelope, I saw moisture. Sure enough, there were thousands of live young-of-the-year fish. Some were brown bullheads.

Nestled in alongside the flyer, there was a hand written note. The style of the handwriting seemed to speak of a fine country gentleman. It read "The Lusk Roast is a Go! Pass it on."

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."