
Okay, the price should be no worry with this piece of technology. Here are a few more Redneck engineering ideas for your new castle:

You can save some money and install your own hot water heater,

Who needs a grill, here is a great recycling idea from "Redneck Co", a take off of Ronco,

Of course that grill comes with a free set of cooking utensils:

You don't want to waste inside space with a wood stove do you? Here is a great outdoor furnace:

You and your buddies heard over the scanner that a big storm is comming, better take shelter in your storm shelter:

After the storm, you need to survey your pond and property for damage. You get into your state-of-the-art seaplane:

After review of the damage, you file a claim. It is about time you check the mail for the check to repair those ponds where the dam broke:

Once all the repairs are done, it is time to take off and attend the Pond Boss Conference in TX: