rockytopper, I think you have the's SMDMS. a.k.a.the 6 Million Dollar Man Syndrome....with today's technology, ideas are unlimited, just plug them ! Your Ramblin Ranch looks just like my cabin will be, I hadn't thought about adding on the building addition, walkway, and guest quarters, nice touch ! p.s. I modified your version for my layout...the bathrooms have been removed, (poker tables there) everyone goes outdoors. This strategy limits the lond term comfort factor for women \:D The kitchen is only a pot belly cast iron stove, (everything is cooked on the BBQ or deep fried outside). No utility room, (bar goes there). The front garage has the refrigerator with beer, freezer has wild game. The back garage is for 4-wheelers & open-sided, with a shooting range to the West, fishing pier to the right \:\)