Originally posted by Theo Gallus:
IIRC, the 1000 lbs./acre was referring to treating the pond more like an aquaculture setting.

One of the aspects of this thread was stocking rate for HSB for the average pond owner, which I consider myself sometimes to be on the few days I'm lucky enough to be that good.

If Todd and EWEST were only talking about special situations, then I misunderstood and I apologize.

Todd stated how "easy" and "completely sustainable" 1000 pounds per acre of HSB is and that completely surprised me. Living in Texas, where many places are already currently over 100 degrees, and carrying 1000 pounds per acre of a fish that is without question high temperature sensitive, strikes me as a questionable practice for the average pond owner, but I'm no expert...and certainly not planning 1000 pounds of HSB per acre.

Imagine the amount of forage and feed in 90 degree water temps for several months for 1000 pounds of fish per acre...thats a surprising recommendation to this average pond owner, even if no one else finds it surprising.