Yes, I'm here. Outnumbered and beaten, but still here.

Again, I know no one will change their opinion based on this thread. I look at the hunting thing from the deers perspective. They have a right to walk around in their home without being shot at. I can only imagine the pain of having an arrow through the chest, or a bullet hole through the neck, and trying to run away until you bleed to death. I am sure that after a few kills, you get numb to this. I just can't.

Yes, it would be great to have a couple of hundred pounds of free meat in the freezer. Yes, I want to bond with my kids as much as anyone else. I like to fish. I love shooting. I have killed several animals to stop their suffering. I eat meat that someone else has killed. I just could not look into a big healthy animals eyes and kill it in the name of sport.

If you eat what you kill, it is justified. If there really is an over population issue, then something has to be done, but I think this excuse is used too often. I know too many people who hunt for the kill, not the food. That just don't seem right.

I guess what I want to say is that I'm just too soft hearted to hunt. Call me wimpy, OK. I would just rather watch the deers eat the corn and salt that I put out. Don't hold it against me, and I won't hold hunting against you. Unless you are the one hunting for the kill.


By the way, it looks like I'm the only one on PondBoss with this opinion. Is there not ONE other person on my side? Or are you just too smart to speak up? \:\)

Wish me luck.