Men are a predatory species. We can't help it, that's just what we are. If we don't hunt, our predatory instincts will be manifested in one way or another. If our instincts are not satisfied, we may exhibit strange behavior, like stabbing at meat on our plates or burning ants with a magnifying glass.

Deer, birds, and cute rodents are prey species. They surely know this, and breed prolifically to compensate. Most will be chased and killed within a year or 2 of birth. If we don't harvest them, another predator will, and probably not as humanely. If not predated, they will very soon overpopulate, and many will succumb to starvation, disease, and retrograde genetics.

Since I began hunting at 10, I instinctively gave thanks when I killed an animal. I still do.

Felis, canis, birds of prey, etc are not prey species. There is little to no justification for killing them. Sometimes you have no choice. This is an act of war, not predation. (that's another man-thing subject) So be it.

If someone kills an animal on my land, I sincerely hope it's edible, if you know what I mean. \:\)