Very nice way to describe why we hunt and you capture much of that reason. One adder, I attribute my many days and hours fishing and hunting when I was a kid as something that kept me out of trouble and gave me a challenge that helped me grow up both physically and emotionally. It also taught me lots of skills. I spent all my spare time from age 12 to 24 doing something related to hunting or fishing. Many of those hours were with my dad. We made hunting blinds, decoys and other stuff we needed. We practiced shooting, calling and other hunting skills. The actual act of hunting was only a small portion of the experience. I think for every hour hunting I spent 100 hours working toward the hunt. I also felt like I became part of the wild world that I loved so much. I come from a family of hunters and I was accepted as one of the guys when I began to hunt. I helped to get several nephews into hunting. They are all grown up and none of the three hunt anymore but they have all told me that the time we spent practicing and hunting were their all time most memorable things as they grew up. I was of course their favorite uncle. I also like to just watch wildlife and shoot them with a camera. But somehow I don't think any of those three boys would have been as interested in nature watching as they were in hunting.

Gotta get back to fishin!