poseidon, it almost impossible for a nonhunter to understand why we hunt and then get enjoymnet out of showing the killed animal. I bowhunt and on most occasions I do not get a shot but enjoy just seeing them. However I enjoy also taking an animal that God has provided me the opportunity to hunt. It is not a macho thing (although admit some hunters might feel that way) but more spirtual. I just LOVE taking does with the bow a big buck is just a bonus. See hard to explain. I Love the fact that you Love watching them.

However some nonhunters are also antihunters and this is where I have a problem, try to not fully get on my soap box. But for them to not understand but yet try to put an end to our heritage is wrong. To call me as a hunter inhumane and cruel to animals is so far from the truth. One example here in GA we pay for the Wildlife Management Area with our stamps. Bikers, hikers, horeback riders, birdwatchers, etc. can all use this land leased or purchased by hunter dollars. They pay nothing, yet some of them get applaud if it is shut down for a weekend to allow hunting.

The anti hunting groups such as HSUS that claim to love animals spend millinos on antihunting campaigns and less than 5% on land accusations or improvements. Compare that to conservation organizations that suport hunting. They spend 100's of millions to help wildlife both gam and non game speceis. So who loves widlife more anti hunters or hunters, seems clear to me. BTW currently 9% hunters, 4% anithunters and remainder (87%)are non hunters so Posiedon you are the majority.

Greg Grimes