Being a person who heads over the boarder more than a few times a year to do some fishing, there are many places that are very good. Most of the best places are those where you will not see advertised. They are truly word of mouth.

I have a few places where it is about a 5 hr drive from my house where I get great smally fishing and some larger northern pikes and some average size walleyes ( place has cottage and 12 ft boat for about$400 canadian a week ). I also know of a few places to fly into that are more aimed at trout and big walleyes ( can have meal plan or bare bones and can go anywhere from $500/wk to $1500/wk ).

The general thing you might want to look at is how comfy a place do you want to stay at and what type of fish are important to you as well as how much do you want to spend. From there I could give you some general ideas as to where I have been and how they worked out.

Good luck and let me know what is the ideal place for you.

1/10 - 1/4 acre pond plus 16 ft deep/ Plus 40 ft by 20 ft by 6 ft deep koi and fathead minnow pond next to it. Upstate NY