Has any of you ever been arrested? Ever?

The Canadians have a system that checks everyones background for all eternity. It doesn't matter the charge, whether it was dismissed or what, they will find it and you will have to prove that you are are inocent or have served your sentance. It is up to you to prove this.

In my case, I was trying to go hunting there. At the border, they checked my rifle and said no problem, but they had to do a background check. It came back that I had a Drunk Driving conviction ten years earlier. Yes I told them, that's true. The border guard said that I had to apear before a special inspector and prove to them that I had served my sentance and was no longer at risk for drunk driving. It was a very serious offence in Canada.

This was ten years earlier and they were making a big deal of it. I had to drive from Montana to North Dakota, get the court to fax over my paperwork and sit in front of an inspector to beg forgiveness and permission to enter Canada. Since my crime was more than five years previous, they allowed me to be rehabilitated for $200 Canadian.

My hunting buddy was turned down too. He was arrested for threatenng to shoot some tresspassers on his land when telling them to get out. This was right after Columbine and his threat was chargable. He spent the night in jail before seeing the judge. The case was dismissed and no charges were filed.

He also got all his paperwork and was interviewed, but was not allow do be rehabilitated. His arrest was less than five years, so it's an automatic denial. Nobody told us that one until it happened. He was told he could enter the country if he hired a lawyer and made an apointment with a judge to plea his case. They felt he had a good chance of winning it, but otherwise, he couldn't enter the country.

While there, we met other guys who had run ins with the law in there youth. One guy with a load of hogs had stolen a Christmas tree in high school back in the early 70's.

Before you go there, be sure you have all your records no matter how long ago it happend.

Good luck,

Lake Marabou http://www.pondboss.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=139488&fpart=1

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.