Originally posted by Eastland:
Do you still have your feeders running, or are you hand tossing feed out ? Mine wouldn't eat when the water temps hit 51.

IMO, I believe that specific temperature numbers that are cited by the literature are mis-leading as to HSB feeding schedules based on near surface water temperatures, and the numbers are more relative than specific.

Your 51 degrees near surface water temp is a good number on falling temperatures, but not on rising temps. The direction of temperature change is more critical than specific.

I find that HSB will start feeding at 45+ degrees on rising temps, with increasing rate above 50 degrees. We are turning off our feeders at about 50 degrees when air temps are falling, and tuning back at about 45 degrees on the rise.

To answer your question, we feed year round for all practical matters, with the exception of extreme continuous hot or cold periods.

I am not overly concerned about water temp feeding schedules after surviving two drought stricken summers with healthy HSB.

Winter feeding HSB

HSB in Hot Summer Weather