For a little extra reference, we kick alot of the tree stuff around on the mail order tree thread .
I think it was h20fwlkillr that mentioned the MO. DOC nursery...? Anyway, I followed suit and ordered 50 White Pines and 50 Norway Spruce this past April '06. They arrived bare root, lookin' pretty good. We plugged 'em into a prepared nursery bed right in the back yard here at home a couple days later. The next day it poured and the wind whipped 50 mph gusts. They took a pretty severe exposed beating. As of today, I lost 2 of the Norways and nearly all the White Pine. The White Pines just never took. I have about 10 that are 3/4 brown and a couple of clumps of green needle hangin' on. The rest are DOA. The Norway Spruce, tho, look great. I already transplanted 4 of the Norways to the pond project as an experiment. The plan will be to transplant the rest of 'em this coming Spring.
I just got off the phone with my NRCS agent. We are going to meet this coming week to kick in the W.H.I.P. program for Spring '07. \:\)