Just an idea of what I did with tires...about 100 here all together. I've a buddy with a repair shop. He delivered, unloaded and stacked them...save him about $250.

These 4 bundles of tires each have 20-25 tires in them. I punched holes all over them with a carbide bore that we use to ream out nail holes prior to repair. Staked each pile w/2 steel posts.

They rest on a steep bank and will be submerged under from 2 to 6 feet of water. Last summer, before the drought sucked my pond down by about 3.5 feet, they were nearly covered...now about 2/3 exposed, again...wife hates it. The little fishes were all over them, as were the tadpoles...


Anyway...this shows a down-looking shot of how I lined them up between the tractor and the truck. With a come-along, I stretched that SS 3/16" cable awful tight, and added 2 clamps. Drug them to the pond, and was still able to drag them (downhill, by hand) to where I wanted them. Had about $20 worth of cable and clamps in the whole thing. Wish they'd go under again... \:\(


In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...