I just bow hunt and have only had a chance to go 3 half days but did manage to get a deo and a nice 16" wide 8 pt, scored 108". I took my nephew to my land in KY for yout h weekend, put him on 3 does but he thought his Dad was serious when he said shot in the head so his shaking hands insured a miss. The next day had him on spike and 4 pt but I looked over to see him lean way out of the blind. His Dad was with him and was not a good coach at all. IF me I think would have got all of them great shot at 9 yrs old. Tok him again last wekend to WMA but did not see anything. I plan to be in KY on Nov 11 for opener and might even tryout a muzzleloader T/C encore I got for Christmas. Good luck to all.

Greg Grimes