9.5 inches now and more on the way. Looks like this will be our annual 100 year rainfall event. It's going to surpass Rita's 10 inches last year.

During a momentary lull, went to check things out. Some amazing sights:

1) a herd of deer flushed out of the bottoms by water and reluctant to leave the pond dam even in my presence.

2) a FH minnow slaughter of epic proportions. During the summer, I stocked a couple of pounds of FHs in a small area isolated by low water from the main body of the pond. Those FH's were washed into the main pond and are now being abused by LMB and HSB...what a sight!

3) a no longer future pond site was completely covered by several feet of water....proving once again, you can throw out the watershed tables in East Texas and you better have good natural spillways in every pond built around here or pay the price.

The H59 corridor through East Texas has to be one of the very best locations in this great Country for ponds....please excuse my exuberance. I hope many of you also benefited from this wonderful rain event or will very soon.